A Defiant Stand Against Social Media Attacks on Kate Middleton Queen Camilla, in her role as the President of the foundation Women of the World (WOW), took center stage at Buckingham Palace during a reception held to celebrate International Women’s Day. Teaming up with Queen Mathilde of Belgium, the 76-year-old monarch delivered a crucial speech, seemingly defending her daughter-in-law, Kate Middleton, against the ongoing social media attacks. The recent controversy surrounding Kate Middleton, accused of editing a photo featuring herself and her children, has sparked a targeted social media campaign.

Queen Camilla, who has long been an advocate for women’s rights, used her platform to address this issue and send a powerful message. In her meaningful speech, Queen Camilla spoke passionately about the hope for women in the future and the ongoing struggle for gender equality. Reflecting on historical moments, she drew attention to the suffragette protest in May 1914, when two stones were thrown at Buckingham Palace. Interestingly, these stones are now displayed in the palace, serving as a symbol of hope for the women who threw them. “I believe they represented hope to the women who threw them—hope that, in the future, they would not be victims of their history or of the social and economic forces that were ranged against gender equality,” Queen Camilla emphasized while holding up the historic stones. “Above all, they represented the hope that it was possible.” In a powerful statement, Queen Camilla connected the struggles of the past to the present, acknowledging the progress made while recognizing the challenges that persist. “Today, 110 years later, you have been invited into Buckingham Palace because you too represent hope for women in the present and in the future,” she declared. Amidst the serious tone of the event, there was a moment of lightheartedness when Queen Camilla was presented with a Barbie doll made in her likeness. Dressed in a replica of her elegant ensemble—a stunning blue dress paired with a coat—the doll brought a smile to the Queen’s face. “Thank you very, very much indeed. It’s brilliant,” Queen Camilla remarked. “You’ve taken about 50 years off my life.” She added humorously, “We should all have a Barbie!”

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