Lady Colin Campbell Critiques Meghan Markle’s Podcast Endeavor In a recent turn of events, Lady Colin Campbell has unleashed a barrage of criticism aimed at Meghan Markle, expressing her belief that the public is growing weary of the Duchess of Sussex’s narratives. The catalyst for Lady C’s disapproval was the revelation that Meghan Markle is set to launch a new podcast series. This move marks a shift from her previous Spotify-exclusive venture, with the new series now available on various platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Audible, and Spotify. The podcast, titled “Archetypes,” is positioned as a platform where the team delves into, dissects, and challenges societal labels that hinder women’s progress. Despite the ostensibly empowering theme, Lady Colin Campbell dismissively stated on GB News, “She has said it all. She said it 1000 ways. Nobody wanted to hear it after the third time when people realized it was all rubbish.” In a rather blunt and unsparing manner, Lady C emphasized, “Every time she opens her mouth, she alienates more of her supporters and gets a worse reputation.” The disdain continues as Lady Colin Campbell suggests, “I mean she could have written a book called ‘The Benchmark for Being a Failure’ and how to go from being one of the most successful couples on earth to one of the least successful in four short years of short interviews and a whole load of rubbish.” Lady Colin Campbell, not mincing words, conveys her disinterest in Meghan Markle’s narrative.

“I rarely think there’s nothing that the average person, who had any sense of decency and any respect for family life and the truth and hard work, really wants to hear a word out of Meghan Markle’s mouth.” Labelling her as a bore and ‘box office poison,’ Lady C suggests that Meghan is now scrambling to find something of genuine interest to the public. Taking a skeptical tone, Lady Colin Campbell asserts, “Well, unless she has a personality transplant, I’m afraid nothing that she says or does is going to be of real interest to anybody except her.” This critique comes on the heels of revelations that Meghan Markle is actively seeking professional help to enhance her public image in the UK for herself and the Archewell foundation, co-founded with Prince Harry in California. As the news circulates, it’s evident that Lady Colin Campbell is not the only one questioning Meghan’s latest venture. The Duchess of Sussex aims to infuse philanthropic content into her podcast, reflecting on her life and experiences. A source shared with US Weekly, “[She] wants to do mostly philanthropic-type content. She considers herself too academic for entertainment only. She doesn’t want the podcast to be celebrity-driven, though she’ll have some stars on.” In conclusion, Meghan Markle’s podcast endeavor is met with skepticism and critique from Lady Colin Campbell, who asserts that the Duchess needs a significant transformation to capture genuine public interest.

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